Friday, February 5, 2010

New Delhi- Day 7


Today was "tourist" day. It was our time to do the cultural dash and get out of the hotel and experience some of New Delhi. I had a really great time and felt like I was able to see a lot of the things I wanted to see and was even able to get a few souvenirs. We hired a driver for the four or five hours we were out on the streets... can you imagine how much that cost???? $22 (1000 rupees) split between the six of us! Crazy huh?

First before we headed out, I brought out all the problems we have been facing as a team. I just pointed out that we've been failing to each fulfill our duties for the team as individuals and we needed to recommit ourselves to the team for this last term (before we get new teams). It went over pretty well. A few people expressed their opinions as well and I think it helped to resolve the silent tension that was going on.

After that we jumped in the car and headed to the Presidential palace and parliament. That wasn't something I thought I would care to see but it was really cool to see. It was crazy how different it was from the rest of Delhi since all the roads are narrow and CROWDED and you'll notice in the pictures below that was not the case here. Wide streets, lots of room.

We were only there for a couple of minutes, took some pictures, and then we headed on to the India gate. The India gate is a memorial to all the soldiers of India and has a guard and and eternal flame at its base. To be honest, I didn't know much about it before hand so it was really cool to be able to see it.

India Gate

Had to prove I was there :)

This is how the women ride around the city on bikes.
Crazy that they ride passenger and ride side saddle with how nuts the 
traffic is.

After the India Gate, we decided to head to DLF Emporio which is a really rich, high-end mall. It was crazy. Louis Vutton, Armani, Etc. It amazes me that anyone shops at those types of places, but I guess they do. We spent about 45 minutes looking around and filming some video and then it was time to head on to Canot Place which is like a market place to shop. On the way we saw the Lotus temple and I also got some good shots of the streets and the people. It is crazy to see the disparity in income here. Coming from a ridiculous mall like that and then to see the shanties along the road and all these people that live on the streets. WOW!

Ok so this is the Louis Vutton store. Yeah that's right, count 'em
TWO door men to open the doors for customers as they enter.
When did one become just not good enough?

Saw this kid on the side of the road and snapped a shot as we drove by. 
Wish we could have stopped and at least given him an apple.
Hard to shake the image of the face from your memory.

The Lotus Temple

Someone told me this is the largest brick structure in the world.
Pretty cool looking.

This little boy was hanging around Canot Place. Some of the Duke students
had the great idea to take the fruit they put in our rooms every day and take it to the
homeless kids we saw while we were out. I gave this apple to this kid and then went 
back and found him to take a picture. Crazy to think where life will lead him, he's in a 
tough position. Amazing how our Heavenly Father makes it all work out in the end right?
I've never really conceptualized how blessed I am to be in America and have all that I have until now.
Maybe it is the fact that I am a father now, but seeing kids like this really gets to me.
Why was I so blessed to be born to such a wonderful affluent family with all the opportunities I have?

Well we finished up at Canot place and did some shopping. It wasn't exactly the type of market I was expected for shopping, but I got a few things for you and boys! I'm sure glad we are closing up this residency and that it is time to come home to you guys! I want you to know I love you very much and am so grateful for all you do. You are absolutely amazing picking up all the slack at home while I am away and being so supportive of me with my schooling. I am so blessed to have you as my wife and you are definitely the LOVE OF MY LIFE!

I love you babe!

Love ya,


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