Saturday, July 10, 2010

St. Petersburg- Day 8


LAST DAY!!!!!! Can you believe it? Last day of the last international residency! Pretty crazy eh?
Not much fan fare today just a lot of closing up shop.

I finished out the week with my morning workout. Although the gym isn't good at all here, I have been able to workout every morning on this residency which has been really good. That coupled with the fact that I have had only a few treats and I've overall eaten really well and had a lot of water to drink makes me feel like this residency has gone really well. I tried to take a picture of me after my workout in Russia today, but the sun kind of washed it out (see below).

First we had operations today and it was a really good class. I really like the material in this class and hope I can put it to good use in a medical practice.

At the end of class, we had an  hour session called "looking ahead" which always gives us some idea of what the next residency is going to be like. This session was really cool because next time we get to go to Duke and the whole look and feeling of this residency is going to be different.  So the residency will be two weeks long during which time we are scheduled to take two electives one week and two electives another week. Because I am taking two HSM classes and they start in August, I will actually only be taking two classes. Negotiation the first week and Entrepreneurship the second week. Each day there are 3 time periods morning afternoon and evening and each class will rotate through those time periods. So, for example, if on Monday my class starts in the morning, on Tuesday it will be in the afternoon, Wednesday in the evening, and then Thursday in the morning again.

There are a couple of other cool things on the schedule. Of course, there is participation in the Fuqua Fridays and probably because we are the first class to do this type of format for CCMBA they really want to integrate us with the daytime students and the staff/faculty while we are at Duke.  The other thing is they are trying to arrange a Duke Basketball experience. They haven't given any details of what it entails, but I guess Duke Basketball has a consulting arm that does corporate team building events and they are trying to arrange something like that for us. It also happens to be the same day as the Duke v. Alabama football game so that first Saturday before we even get the ball rolling with classes we are going to have a Duke Basketball experience and go to a Duke football game. Needless to say I am pretty stoked about both!

Now here is the really good news (and again I think this is because we are the first class to do this program and they are trying to finish with a bang). Normally when we go to Duke we would stay in the Thomas Center which is where all the MBA students come to stay when they are on campus. Well for our class instead of the Thomas Center, they are having us stay at the Washington Duke Inn!

Check out the website in the link, but you won't believe what a nice place it is. It sits right on the golf course and is really classy. What made me really excited was the fact that you are going to be there with me so you can come and stay a few nights with me at least, WAHOO!!!!

The other part of the announcements had to do with the distance portion after the Duke residency. It is going to be ten weeks, but each class is only 5 weeks long and they rotate every other week. That means for 10 weeks I will only have one class each week once I finish my HSM classes in October. That should be really nice.

Once "Looking Ahead" was over, we had lunch and then the afternoon class was CCL. We reviewed the culture dashes that we did and compared the Russia region to all the other regions we had visited and then we were DONE!!!!! We finished about 4pm and now we have the evening to relax, pack, eat, say goodbyes, and get ready to leave tomorrow.

Here are a couple of pictures of things from today.
Here is the washed out picture I was talking about.

This has been my best friend in Russia. seriously.
Besides using this to brush my teeth morning and night I have been drinking water like a mad man.
Partly to stay hydrated and partly because I tried to stay away from all the soda.
By my estimation I would drink around 8 or 9 of these bottles a day. That's around 4 to 4.5 liters. Definitely hydrated and definitely familiar with the bathroom! :)

I retrospect, wow it has been quite a ride since we started this journey way back in August huh? Not that we are finished yet, but the accomplishment of completing all the international residencies feels like a pretty significant milestone. I am so glad I did this program and I have been able to have all the experiences I have had thus far. Although we haven't seen any of the campus yet, I really love being apart of the Duke culture and I am happy that I will be able to say I am a Duke Alum for the rest of my life (once I squeeze through the rest of this term and next).

Well I love you very much babe and you have been such an amazing support through all of this. Seriously, even with the student debt we've taken on and the time requirements that this program puts on me, you have always been so supportive and helpful. The best part is that you always knew this was a dream of mine and you have been there to help me carry it through. Thank you from the depths of my soul. I LOVE YOU!!!!!

Can't wait to see you and the boys in a little under 36 hours!

Love ya,


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