Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Term 1- Distance Weeks 2 & 3


Well I've combined these two weeks because I didn't feel like there was enough "post-worthy" information from last week.

Week 2 as a busy week. I felt like I was on top of things most of the time, but through the middle of week 2 I definitely didn't feel like I had a handle on the material Even after hours of study and review, I have felt like the topics from both weeks have just been over my head in manner of implementation. This is how I usually feel when I approach a new topic, but I began to realize this week that usually I have review sessions to help myself go back over the information or a team to work with or something. In this format... nothing. Granted, I do have my team, but still it is way different when you are doing things over the internet or phone than if someone can help you go through it in person. That is a definite adjustment I am going to have to make.

Saturday I had the Dixie High Golf Tournament in the morning and then the BYU game right after. Because of the golf tournament I missed class and had to figure out a time to watch them recorded. That didn't happen Saturday so by Saturday night I was starting to feel behind. I decided that Sunday I would have to definitely play catch up.

Sunday started Week 3. I had a meeting that night with my team and I had to read a case from week 4 (yeah that's right next week). Here's where I came to a crossroads. I was excited that my team was on top of things (we are currently finishing our case study that isn't due until Sept 25th--today is the 16th). My crossroads occurred with a personality quirk I discovered a long time ago about myself, but I have never been able to fix. Because this case was so far ahead, it was further down on my to do list. As I mentioned, I was already very much behind on my week 2 materials and week 3 had already begun. My quirk or problem occurs when I am preparing for things that are upcoming and plans change. For some reason, I have a really hard time with it. I usually react negatively at first and it starts to really bug me. After my first reaction, most of the time if you give me 5-10 minutes to think about it I realize it wasn't a big deal that the plans change, the new plans are good (most of the time better), and I can handle the change. BUT I can't seem to get over the first initial reaction.

Case in point, when I was younger if my mom gave me some chores to do I was usually just fine with whatever she assigned, BUT if when I finished those chores and she would say "Just one more thing" it would drive me bonkers and I would be mumbling in anger the whole time. Now its not quite the same thing, but my problem this week was the assignment of this case. I had planned to watch the classes I missed, do the assigned work for week 3 and finish/turn in the team accounting assignment that I am the team lead for. Well Kerry is the team lead for this week 4 case study and so she emailed the whole group about how we should have the case read and we should write up our outlines so we could discuss it during the team meeting. When I got her email, my first reaction was a negative one. I was made that this new project that wasn't due for a while was being thrown on top of everything else I had to do, etc. Well like I said, it took me about 5-10 minutes to relax and think through it. Once I did I was able to realize that doing this case assignment now would be best for me and then entire team helping us to get ahead as the last few weeks will be crucial for time to study for the exams. At this point I realized this was a better plan than the one I had before and I was fully on board.

But my question is why can't I just take those changes in stride with such an adverse reaction? What is it that makes me react that way and how do I fix it? I have been aware of it for a long time, yet have still not found a way to deal with it.

As I sidenote, I found out I have even more responsibilities as my Health Sector Management (HSM) concentration is starting in October. That throws an additional class with extra reading and another paper to write every term on top of everything else we do. I am really excited about HSM, but this week was the wrong week to find out about additional workload (please reference above story about how I react to change in plans ;)

I was able to get everything under control and by midweek of week 3 I was actually finished with everything assigned.

Finals seem to be quickly approaching. Week 5 is our last week of new material and then finals are during week 6. When I got started with this term it seemed a ways away but now it seems just around the corner.

Sorry that distance sessions aren't as picturlicious as residency. To fill the void I made this video of me studying. I know, I know, no one really realizes what an oasis it can be to be in grad school. Guess I am one of the lucky few. :)

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