Sunday, October 25, 2009

Term 1- Grades


I am happy to report I got my grades for Term 1 and yet I am still happy to report!

As a little background, Duke has its own unique grading system. The program initially established itself as a pass/fail program. Well over the years they have developed the grading system to be more tiered like most grading systems and so now they go Superior Pass (SP), High Pass (HP), Pass (P), Low Pass (LP), and No Pass (NP). In order to graduate from Duke you must have a GPA equal to Pass. Duke also recommends that each class have a grade distribution of 25% SP, 40% HP, and the last 35% P, LP, or NP.

I was pretty sure I'd get a good grade in managerial effectiveness up until I took the final (since I didn't spend anytime studying for it). I was always nervous for what I would get in financial accounting, but there I was confident I had done everything I could.

My ME grade came in first and I got an SP! I was really happy to find out I had done that well. A few days later I got my Accounting grade and it came in as an HP! Boy was that a relief. I was pretty sure I would at least get a pass, but this being the first term and really having no idea how well I did on a final that turned into one big 14 hour blur, I was nervous to see an LP when I opened up my transcript. Whew!

Well I was definitely happy how this term turned out and now it is time to get ready for Term 2 in Dubai. My next post will be from the other side of the world, so until that letter...

Love ya,


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