Monday, April 19, 2010

Shanghai-Day 3


Well today was a boring day by way of reporting. We spent all day in the hotel so I don't have any cool pictures to show you. I do want to take a picture of the awesome balcony and view we have from our classroom area, but today was overcast and rainy so I am going to wait till it clears up to take that picture.

Today our schedule was class in the morning, then a speaker, lunch, another class, break, Career Alumni panel, Dinner, and homework. 
One change up that I started today was I tried to emulate my normal schedule at home, so rather than getting up later, I got up at 5:45am and went to the gym. I tried to craft my own crossfit workout and it definitely wasn't as intense as crossfit, but it is difficult to set something up when you have to transition between weights or machines because there were a TON of people in there so anytime I would leave a weight someone would take it. It is actually a fairly nice gym and it sure made the day go a lot better having gone to the gym in the morning-- I was much more alert. It also helped me regulate my eating better. I still ate some of the goodies they put out for us, but I moderated myself better than I had the day before when I didn't work out. 

Classes felt REALLY long today. Most of the time I found myself zoning out and it just felt like the clock would crawl by. I started trying to figure out ways to be productive and during the speaker I ended up reading my case study for strategy just to keep myself engaged. I think I already said this in another letter, but I am really excited for this strategy class. I am hoping to be able to apply the principles from that class right away because I feel like they are going to be very pertinent to what we are doing with medical practice administration.

Another thing I thought was useful today was a comment made by one of the alumni at the alumni career panel. He was talking about how to use your MBA after you graduate and how you should really take to heart that the paper part of the degree does you no good, but that you really need to focus on actually USING the skills you get from the degree. I guess that really just hit me because I don't feel like I did that very well coming out of undergrad. I feel like I have really strong skills that I could have been utilizing before that i haven't been like regression analysis and forecasting or these strategy skills I am gaining. I feel like a lot of the modeling stuff that I learn, it would be easy to just forget about and let fall by the wayside because the job i have doesn't utilize that type of thing right now, but his comment just made me realize that what I need to do is take those more difficult skills that take a lot of effort to retain and implement them in my current job (desired job) so that i bring a new dynamic to the position (and I retain those skills that make my MBA valuable).

All day I was debating with myself whether or not to go to the career panel thing. I had been to the one in London and it was NOT HELPFUL so I had planned never to attend another one. But I guess the Duke staff realized none of us wanted to go to it because they made it a requirement to go to this one if we wanted to be eligible to attend the job fair in September on Duke's campus. My debate all day was that I knew it wasn't going to be helpful and I hope that I don't have to worry about the job fair in September because I will already have a job by then, but then I would tell myself it I did want to go to the job fair I would regret not going tonight, so I finally signed up and went.  As I predicted WASTE OF TIME. I did like the line I mentioned above, but other than that it just wasn't helpful. They were suppose to have mock interviews with the alumni panel after the panel part but a bunch of the panel didn't show so there ended up being like 15 students to one panel person (when it was suppose to be 5). At that point, I figured I had paid my dues and I left. 

Tonight I have just had dinner and done some homework and then it is off to bed.

That's about it for today!

Love ya,


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