Friday, April 23, 2010

Shanghai- Day 7


Wow, I was getting ready for bed and I realized I almost forgot to
write my email for the day.

Nothing particularly exciting as today was the gauntlet day. We
essentially had class from 8am to 6:30pm... a VERY long day. It was
pretty funny though because my strategy professor started taking role
in class because the Duke staff asked him to. For the last two
residencies attendance has been dwindling especially the later we get
into the week. Mostly it is because so many of them go out and party
literally ALL NIGHT LONG and then come back and go to class. A couple
of the people sitting around me had only gotten 2 hours of sleep the
night before, one of which was after drinking a lot of alcohol so they
looked in pretty bad shape. But I was impressed with them even showing
up to class, because a lot of other people weren't anywhere near class
all day long. It is kind of funny. We spend over $100,000 for this
exclusive education and then when it comes down to it a lot of them
are treating it like they are back in high school. Crazy!

Today was the last day of the finance class. Overall I think it is
going to be a very useful class and I am really excited that during
the distance portion rather than going over a bunch of new material,
we will be reviewing all the material we have already gone over here
in China. We did the same thing in stats and I really liked it because
I feel like it gives us a chance to really learn and apply the
material we are learning.

Tonight our team got together and had dinner as a group which I
thought was really good because we were able to socialize and learn a
little more about each other and not worry about an assignment we are
or are not doing. Overall I really like my team and feel like I got
put with a great group of people.

Tomorrow is our LAST DAY here Shanghai. The plan is to have class all
morning and afternoon until 4:15pm. Then I am going to head over to
the markets to try and get the last of the things I want to get. Then
I'll come back, pack, sleep, and that will be it for residency #4.
Crazy that there will only be one more international residency after

Also, I have been thinking a lot about our current situation and not knowing where we are going or what is going to work out, but I came across a verse in Mosiah that spoke peace to my heart and let me know we are on the right path.

Mosiah 29:20- But behold, he did deliver them because they did humble themselves before him; and because they cried mightly unto him he did deliver them out of bondage; and thus doth the Lord work with his power in all cases among the children of men, extending the arm of mercy towards them that put their trust in him.

Great verse. If we put our trust in him that this will all work out and humble ourselves before him it will all work out the way it is suppose to. We must have faith in that!

Well, love you babe!


P.S. Attached are some pictures of the view we get to look at everyday
from our classrooms. Its an awesome city to look 

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