Wednesday, August 26, 2009

London- Day 12 & 13


Well there isn't a whole lot to update by way of new adventures or happenings. On day 12 we had our 4th or five accounting classes first thing in the morning. When that was over, we had lunch and then it was study time for my section. While the other section was in class we pretty much had free time to do whatever we wanted, but considering we have an accounting exam looming and the fact that we are here for school, that time became study time. I studied in my room for a while and then as planned, I took a nap. It was about an hour and the biggest problem to taking a nap was forcing myself to wake up. Even after I got up and was studying again I found I was having a hard time staying awake so I decided it would be better to go down to a common area to study.

That evening we had an accounting review and then more studying after dinner. I spent most of my time in the foyer to the two classrooms where we can see the tower bridge and where they feed us most the time. I think I was in there for about 4 to 5 hours studying accounting the whole time. Surprisingly, the time passed pretty quickly, but while I was in there I realized I hadn't taken any pictures of our "duke campus." The program staff has strategically placed big blown up photos of various landmarks on Duke's campus I guess to give it a Duke feel. Anyway here are some of the displays.
Duke Chapel
Fuqua School
Fuqua School (different angle). Also note the Duke Fuqua logo. That is actually a digital sign of the hotel's noting that we have this area reserved. Placed outside of each room we use are stands with signs on them that state: "Private Event" and then have that same Fuqua logo.

After studying till about 11:45pm, I came back up to my room, talked to you on skype, finished some other stuff, and went to bed around 2am.

My plan for Day 13 to get up early and study was thrown out the window by that point, but it all worked out ok. I got up about 8:30 and then got ready and headed up to the 12th floor where they have conference rooms reserved for us. I worked up there for a few hours until lunch. After lunch we had our LAST residency class over all and our last residency accounting class. The key will now be to incorporate what we learned today with everything else we have been trying to digest and then get all our debits and credits straight before the test starts at 1pm tomorrow afternoon. Really that is all we have left, which is crazy to think. Obviously once we get home we still have our classes and everything, but to think that this first residency is almost over is pretty crazy.

After class we had a session called "Looking Ahead" that gave us some insights to what Dubai is going to be like and what we can plan for. I just can't believe that we are close enough to the Dubai residency to be talking about it and to think that our new little man will be born by that time.

Now we are done with class and "official" sessions and all that awaits us is a 3 hour accounting exam. WAHOO! ;) Tonight will be a review session followed up by a lot of studying, more studying in the morning and then the test.

Wish me Luck!

Love you all,


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