Sunday, August 16, 2009

London- Day 3


Well as would be assumed my posts are going to be shorter as time goes on for two reasons, one I have less to write about and two, I have less time to write.

Today I set my alarm for 6am so I could get some reading done before I headed to breakfast (everyday between 7 and 8 am) and then headed to more orientation classes. Well my alarm went off and next thing I knew I was waking up at 7:45am. My initial reaction was to jump out of bed and hurry and get ready so I could catch breakfast, but then I quickly realized that they unashamedly feed us every hour and so I wasn't worried. I got ready and made it in time for class. Boy was I glad that didn't happen tomorrow (and still pray it doesn't) since my first official class starts tomorrow at 8am sharp and they have warned us about being late. I don't want to be THAT guy.

I've quickly discovered one of my favorite things about London and it isn't anything cultural (as I have been hulled up in the hotel most of my days so far). It is a little drink pictured below.

I remember Michelle talking about this drink (Schweppes Original Lemonade) and searching for it in Denmark, but as I remember we couldn't find it (or we did and I don't remember). Anyway, I have had A LOT of these little bottles already as this is my go to substitute for everybody else's coffee breaks in between sessions.

Classes were short today and just took us to lunch. We reviewed the grading scale, honor code, and optional concentrations like finance, marketing, and health sector management. We also had the career management center speak to us and it was cool to see all the resources they have to help you get to where you want to be. What is crazy is I need to get started NOW in order to be on pace to having a job I want by the end of the program. Right now that seems so far away, but I am sure it is going to fly.

After lunch, we met our professor (Jim Anton) for our Global Markets and Institutions (GMI) class. He did a quick introduction and then sent us out on the town to find a small basket of goods (Coke, toothbrush, chocolate, taxi ride, coffee, t-shirt, and currency exchange). This only took us about 20 minutes. The goal is to do this at every residency and then be able to compare the differences in the different regions of the world.

After this we were released for the day so I came back to my room and did some studying. I caught up on a case study we were doing based on the country of Botswana. Then at 5:30pm, my team met together in a conference room and we put together an outline of our 2 page paper we have to submit early Tuesday morning.

When we finished three of us (Brett Kahn (pronounced can), Hao Liang (pronounced how), and I went running through the streets of London. It was a good run and actually a lot of fun since we weaved back and forth through all these streets and had to dodge people left and right.

We got back and both Brett and I just wanted to go pick up some food and bring it back to the hotel. We thought we'd head to subway cause I knew where it was (just straight up the street) but when we got there it was closed. We had seen a Burger King just down the road so we headed there and ended up getting a chicken sandwich and fries. This is where things took a weird turn. We pretty much backtracked from where we had come, but somewhere we turned down a wrong street. When we got down to where we thought we were close, we thought all we had to do was turn left and we would hit the bridge that is right next to the hotel. Ten minutes later we asked a lady who didn't seem to pleased about the idea of two guys approaching her in the particular neighborhood we were in with it getting dark. I think once she realized we were just lost Americans she loosened up and pointed us back to where we had come from. We back tracked and then found the street where we had turned. When then walked like another 10 or 15 blocks till we got back to the bridge and then the hotel. It was so weird because we both thought we were for sure on the right side of the bridge and had to turn left to get back to it when we were actually pretty far to the left of the bridge and should have turned right to get back.

Our walk lasted about an hour and then I came back to my room. I did my finishing part to our team assignment and some other work and now it is 12:30am. Dang, need to get a better schedule. I'll be up at six. Luckily we are only sitting in class till lunch and then we are doing an outdoor team building activity.

Love you both!


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