Saturday, August 15, 2009

London- Day 2


Wow Day 2 has been a whirlwind of information and things. I got up at 8 a.m., got ready and headed down to breakfast. As I headed to the elevator I found myself getting nervous about running into someone before I actually got to breakfast. Another nuance that made me realize some of my introvert intendancies. I realized that of course this would not be that big of a deal and brushed it off.

Breakfast was good. For sure they will have us well fed at all times of the day for everything we do. I think we took 3 or 4 breaks during sessions and each time they had food and drinks outside the room that we could grab as we chatted with each other.

When I entered for breakfast I found myself almost subconsciously wondering where I would sit, who I would talk to, what it would be like. Hum, sound like a kid going to the first day of school huh?

After breakfast, we headed into orientation. They had a huge conference room set up with rows of tables and each spot had our name tents set up (in alphabetical order). This is when we got our first "gift". Next to a pad of paper and pen with a Duke emblem on them was a mini basketball with the Duke logo on it! My first thought was that Mase would love to add it to his collection.

Orientation was nothing to write about it, but good enough. It essentially prepared us to take on the load of school and work and gave us the vision of what type of program we are a part of and what this program is geared to become. I realized during this time that I can't believe I am at this point in my life. WOW! I am really going to MBA school? At Duke? Haven't I dreamed and prepared for this for a long time? I just realized I better relish this opportunity cause once we get going it will be over before we know it.

Every hour or so they would give us a break where we were encouraged to interact with other class members and they created a passport activity where we had random questions (e.g. find someone who took 15 hours or more to travel here) and we had to find someone who fit the profile or could answer the question. It was a fun way to facilitate interacting with one another, but it was interesting the dynamic it caused. There were those that took it as a task and acted as such. They got just enough information to fulfill the requirement and they moved on. Others just had fun with it and would chat a lot longer.

We learned one bit of information during orientation that caused me to get really nervous really fast. They introduced the structure of the cold call. The idea is that when you come to class you are randomly selected to come up to the front of the class and get the class started based on the information and research you have done prior to class. Uh yeah, that wouldn't make anyone beg to not be called on? First thoughts... uh I need to get back to my room and prepare more for class and PLEASE don't call on me. :)

Lunch came and they asked us to meet our teams and get to know each other a little bit. We ate lunch together and I was really impressed with the team we got. I think we are going to be a really cohesive group and I look forward to working with them.

After more orientation we headed back to our rooms for half an hour. The reception and dinner with the dean of our program began at 5:30pm. This was an interesting bit of social education for me. We were given nearly an hour or even more to chat and have drinks and appetizers. I was able to stand and chat and have appetizers while others had a few drinks and some started to get a little buzzed. After my observance of happy hour here in London and how prominent it was, this was another interesting point. Our socializing was based around alcohol. This was a regular social interaction for most students (even most of them had already been out for drinks the night before and were going out for drinks tonight). It is the most positive thing I've experienced involving alcohol. Nothing else brings these people together like it does. It is the caveat by which people are able to create a social situation where they are able to get to know each other better and create friendship. Maybe that is why we cling to family and social interactions like sunday dinners and holiday meals that we can create a similar social gathering. Drinks make it easy for them because it is the basis and takes minimal preparation and allows them to interact. What other substance could create that kind of socializing situation? This all was just an interesting byproduct of my thoughts while chatting with everyone.

Dinner was really good and we had a good interaction and then the dean spoke. Overall it was a really good day and a good preparation of what is to come in the two weeks and many months ahead, but wow when they say here we go, we really go!

Love you,


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