Wednesday, August 19, 2009

London- Day 5 part 2 & Day 6

Another day gone. It is all going so quick. The first two pictures here are examples of the "spreads" they put out for us at meals and in between classes. There is so much food is amazing. I definitely feel treated like a King.
The food table outside our classroom.

Breakfast in the Restaurant in the Hotel.

In my part 2 of Day 5, I just wanted to note that we went out to dinner as a team. We had some things to do and wanted to meet together so we went to a nearby Indian Restaurant called "Mala". The fun and interesting part about our dinner was that Mathew our Indian team member was with us. Because of that we had him order foods he liked and wanted to share with us. It was a lot of fun because we all shared a variety of plates and he ordered a lot of things I would have never considered. We also had a really good time as a team. I think we all mess well and are pretty non-confrontational, but at times I do begin to see strong individual preferences begin to creep up. Duke has been really good about trying to "out" all the internal team problems that develop in a microwave fashion so that things will be resolved and everyone will be on the same page when we move into the distance portion of classes (meaning when we all go to our separate homes).
This is Brett trying to be serious...
Here is my plate of food. It was much better than it looks, actually quite delicious.
Day 6
Today we had two classes in the morning. We started a new class today called Managerial Effectiveness and I already think this is going to be one of my favorite classes. We take case studies and then evaluate how we would address the business problems as the owner/ceo/manager of the company. I was really tired again today during my first class and was worried about this class, but from the very beginning I was totally tuned in and before I knew it class was over.

After lunch our charge this afternoon was to do a culture dash. We picked three locations to visit and interview locals about the meaning of that location to the culture of the area. The first location we picked was really frustrating since our navigator took us to the wrong location so everyone we talked to would give us directions to where it was. We had picked the London Stock Exchange and they had moved it a few years back so people would tell us where the new location was. After wasting about an hour and half, we finally got back on track and found someone in the area that would talk to us.

We then headed over to the House of Parliament and Buckingham Palace. We had some really interesting talks with people on the streets. I am amazed about how well these people know their history down to specific dates. We also visited Westminster Abbey which is the church where most of the royal family is buried and where they crown the new king and queen each time. The only bummer was we were under a time constraint and therefore weren't able to do any tours inside any of these places. I just a few pics of the buildings below.

Big Ben- The House of Parliament

Westminster Abbey- From this view it kind of looks like Duke Chapel :)

A traditional Beefeater. The guards at Buckingham Palace that don't move or talk.
Man I could never do that job.

We had a lot of fun today. A couple of guys we talked to we got 20 minutes of video of them for our project we are doing. What was funny was I actually filmed them covertly because we knew they didn't want us to film them and in the middle of the conversation they asked me if I was filming them and I waved it off and said, "No, just holding it." I was holding the camera in front of me and resting my chin on it with my arms crossed to make it look like I was just using it as a crutch while I listened to them. It must have worked since they kept talking for another 15 minutes.

Tonight I wrote a paper and am EXTREMELY tired, but I still have some reading to do before I go to bed to be ready for class tomorrow morning. Luckily, for one of my classes, tomorrow is our last day of class and then that class goes on hold until we go to Dubai. Whew! Lots to do!

Sure love you babe!


P.S. Here is a video I took while walking around at Westminster Abbey. Nothing spectacular, but thought I'd throw it in anyway. If you have to go to the blog to view it the blog address is

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